The Metal Coat 6PM-II powder flame spray system is ideal for demanding, high-volume production performance and consistent coating results. It is suitable for coating hard facing alloys, ceramics, metals and carbide powders.
The 6PM-II powder flame spray gun is the perfect choice to apply high-quality coatings to solve many surface problems such as machine element repairs, dimensional restoration, corrosion protection, abradable and wear-resistance coatings. The 6PM-II powder flame spray gun has high spray rates and low gas consumption. The coatings made using 6PM-II system results in higher deposit efficiencies. These guns are convenient to use, easy to learn, operate and maintain them.
This model is suitable for all-purpose use. Hence, it can be used to spray an extensive range of coating materials like self-fluxing alloys, ceramics, self-bonding materials, and conventional thermal spray powders like steels, stainless steel, bronze, and aluminium and nickel alloys.
The 6PM-II Powder Flame Spray System needs an external powder feeder unit, which maintains a consistent and accurate supply of powder to the gun. For more information on the powder feeders, please have a look at our powder feeder section.